Como Dizer Autoria Em Inglês? Como Dizer Minha Autoria Em Inglês? Abaixo elenco alguns exemplos de como expressar essa ideia em…
Como Dizer Pegar De Surpresa Em Inglês? Você faz alguma ideia? Abaixo elenco três maneiras super interessantes de exprimir essa…
Ex: He started off on the wrong foot in his new job when he refused to work on Saturdays.
Ex: You’d better zip your lip or you’ll be in trouble!
Ex: Do as you please, as long as the report is good!
Ex: A lot of it was out of jealousy. Ex: They expect him to confess he killed her out of jealous.
Ex: I joined the army out of love for my country. Ex: Federal employees working without pay are doing it out of love for Trump.
Ex: Keep away from the boss—he's loaded for bear today.
Ex: He arrived at the meeting loaded for bear.
Ex: He sounded like someone who wants to make the most of the opportunity. Ex: Players should make the most of the opportunity.…
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