Ex: Besides, there was no jinx in that place - why would there be?
Como Dizer Pé Frio Em inglês? Você sabe? Se não sabe, bora aprender. Antes de conferir o vídeo abaixo com…
Ex: The president has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.
Ex: I repudiate vehemently the irresponsible accusations made by them. Ex: Bob vehemently denies the charges.
Ex: He didn’t want to embarrass her by asking questions. Ex: I was embarrassed by the fact that I knew nothing about…
Ex: It was stupid of me to lose my temper.
Ex: I have bigger fish to fry. Ex: Don't you have other fish to fry? Ex: Don't you have bigger fish to fry?
Ex: To tell the truth, I couldn’t hear a word he said.
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