Ex: She was always threatening to leave him, but when it came to the crunch she didn’t have the courage.
Como Dizer Ficar Bravo Em Inglês? Trago, abaixo, duas opções interessantes. Na lupa no topo dessa página, você pode encontrar…
Ex: You can’t just close your ears to their warnings. Ex: In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear…
Ex: You've been going around in circles pointlessly, just like me.
Ex: The speaker rambled on for at least two hours, the audience became restless. Ex: My unclce kept rambling on about…
Ex: What's the use of exposing the flaws of a program that no longer exists?
Como Dizer Não É Flor Que Se Cheire Em inglês? Essa expressão é usada para indicar que alguém, por mais…
Ex: The waiters were rushed off their feet. Ex: He noticed that the owner was run off her feet and offered to lend a…
Ex: Let go of me you old fat can. Ex: I tried to push him away in vain; he was grabbing my shirt and…
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