Exercícios de Inglês e Atividades

Exercícios de Past Participles (Complete Lacunas)

Hi there! Abaixo disponibilizo uma lista de exercícios de past participles. Se após realizar o exercício abaixo você permanecer com alguma dúvida, basta deixar a sua mensagem nos comentários – faço questão de responder os nossos leitores. Aproveitando, sugiro que você dê uma olhadinha [nesse link, clique], para reforçar os seu conceitos sobre esse tema.

Preencha as lacunas com verbos do tempo verbal presente perfect (forma negativa). Use os respectivos past participles associados aos verbos da lista abaixo.

appear          call          drink          feet          have          rain          send   take          be          do          drive          get          occur          see          speak  work

EXEMPLOS: Ex: I haven’t felt well since I got up this morning.

Ex: She hasn’t been in her hometown since she was a little girl.


1. I ________ time to sit down for a second since I got to work.

2. Grandpa´s heath ________ good for years.

3. Grandma ________ able to walk well since she fell down and broke her hip two years ago. I ________ easy for her.

4. That actor ________ in a movie for quite a few years.

5. A major earthquake ________ in San Francisco since 1906.

6. It ________ for more than a month, and the countryside is very dry.

7. Bill ________ since he retired four years ago.

8. She’s worried because her boyfriend ________ her for more than a month.

9. I ________ a really good movie for a long time.

10. In spite of the inflation, they ________ many financial problems. They ________ any vacations, however.

11. That student _________ any homework since the beginning of the course.

12. That unfortunate person ________ happy since the day she was born.

13. Life ________ easy for him since he lost his job.

14. The doctor is extremely busy, and she ________the chance (opportunity) to go to bed since early yesterday morning.

15. I ________ the chance to sit down since I got up this morning.

16. We ________ good weather since the beginning of the year.

17. I ________ any alcohol since I started taking penicillin.

18. Because he is angry at his brother, he ________ to him for more than a year.

19. I ________ in my native country for two years.

20. Because of his poor vision (eyesight), my grandfather ________a car for quite a few years.

21. I ________ my parents for quite a long time.

22. This ________ a difficult exercise.

Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva é brasileiro e mudou-se para o Canadá com sua família ainda criança, retornando ao Brasil após cinco anos no exterior. Desde então, o inglês se tornou uma parte essencial de sua vida diária. Ele já ensinou em diversas escolas de idiomas e é atualmente English Language Educator, além de ser o fundador do Portal Inglês no Teclado, criado em 2009. Para acompanhar todas as novidades e conteúdos exclusivos, siga-nos no Instagram::www.instagram.com/inglesnoteclado.

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