Agora que você já assistiu o vídeo acima. Faça os exercícios de inglês abaixo. No final disponibilizamos o gabarito, isto é, as respostas dos exercícios com how long e how many. Se ao final você tiver alguma dúvida, a gente faz questão de responder todos os nossos leitores. Good luck!
Utilize os past participles dos verbos em cada uma das frases abaixo. Siga os exemplos
Ex: [be] How many years have your parents been married
Ex: [know] For how long have we known each other?
1. [be] How long has the United States ________ an independent nation?
2. [be] How long has pollution ________ a serious world problem?
3. [be] How many days have they ________ out of town?
4. [be] For how many years has Cuba ________ a socialist government?
5. [be] How long have you ________ studying English?
No exercício abaixo, opte por how long ou how many para estruturar as perguntas. Siga os exemplos:
Ex: [be married] How many years have they been married?
Ex: [know that humans can impact climate] How long have we known that humans can impact climate?
1. [live together] How many years have ____________________?
2. [be sick] How many days has ____________________?
3. [be friends] For how long have ____________________?
4. [be pregnant] How many weeks has ____________________?
5. [be in love] How long ____________________?
6. [see each other] For how long have ____________________?
7. [play the guitar] How many months has ____________________?
E aí? Super fácil, não é? Confira abaixo as respostas para os exercícios com how long e how many times.
1. [be] How long has the United States been an independent nation?
2. [be] How long has pollution been a serious world problem?
3. [be] How many days have they been out of town?
4. [be] For how many years has Cuba been a socialist government?
5. [be] How long have you been studying English?
1. [live together] How many years have they lived together?
2. [be sick] How many days has she been sick?
3. [be friends] For how long have they been friends?
4. [be pregnant] How many weeks has she been pregnant?
5. [be in love] How long have they been in love?
6. [see each other] For how long have they been seeing each other?
7. [play the guitar] How many months has he been playing the guitar?
Referência de parte dos exercícios: ESL Grammar Workbook 2, Allan Kent Dart
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