Exercícios de If Clauses Resolvidos são o tema desse novo artigo. Se você procura por exercícios de inglês sobre if clauses (condicionais) com respostas está no lugar certo. Aqui no blog Inglês no Teclado você encontra muitos outros exercícios de inglês com gabarito na nossa sessão de exercícios e atividades em inglês.
Acho que eu já falei diversas vezes da importância em aprendemos sobre as condicionais em inglês. Todas elas: condicional zero, primeira condicional, segunda condiciona e terceira condicional. Definitivamente, não há como querer ser fluente em inglês sem dominar o uso das orações condicionais em inglês.
À propósito, eu sugiro que você faça uma breve revisão sobre esse tema para aumentar as suas chances de acerto nos exercícios de if clauses que veremos abaixo. Assim você aproveita para se certificar de que está realmente por dentro desse tema. Então, dá o play!
Exercícios de If Clauses
Nas frases abaixo, utilize a conjugação adequada dos verbos destacados. Siga os exemplos abaixo.
- I don’t have enough money to buy a car. If I had (have) enough money, I would buy (buy) a car.
- The weather isn’t nice today. If the weather were (is) nice today, I would go (go) to the zoo.
- I don’t know how to swim. If I ______ (know) how to swim, I __________ (go) to the beach with you.
- I don’t understand that sentence. If I ______ (understand) that sentence, I __________ (explain) it to you.
- I don’t have enough time. If I ______ (have) enough time, I __________ (go) to the park.
- It’s cold today. If it ______ (be not) cold today, I __________ (go) swimming.
- I have to go to class today. If I __________ (have to go, not) to class today, I __________ (go) shopping, or __________ (visit) my friends.
- It isn’t Saturday. If it __________ (be) Saturday, I __________ (go) to the beach.
- I’m not rich. If I __________ (be) rich, I __________ (live) on a farm and __________ (raise) horses.
- I don’t have enough money. If I __________ (have) enough money, I __________ (fly) home this weekend.
- Jack doesn’t study hard. If he __________ (study) harder, he __________ (get) better grades.
- The weather isn’t nice. I __________ (take) a walk if the weather __________ nice.
- My wife and I want to buy a house, but houses are too expensive. We __________ (buy) a house if we __________ (have) enough money for the downpayment.
- Money doesn’t grow on trees. If money __________ (grow) on trees, all of us __________ (be) very rich.
- People have different opinions. Life __________ (be) boring if eveyone __________ (have) the same opinions about everything.
- Tell Jim the truth. If I __________ (be) you, I __________ (tell) him the truth.
- Airplane tickets are expensive. If they __________ (be) cheap, I __________ (fly) to Paris for the weekend.
- I wish I had a camera. I __________ (take) a picture of the sunset tonight if I __________ (have) a camera.
- The student cafeteria is relatively inexpensive, but the food isn’t very good. I __________ (eat) there all the time if the food __________ better.
- Sometimes our teacher give us surprise quizzes. If I __________ (teach) this English class, I __________ (give, not) surprise quizzes.
- I wish I had a car. If I __________ (have) a car, I __________ (drive) to school.
- I’m very tired tonight. If I __________ (be, not) tired, I __________ (go) to the movie with you.
Respostas do Exercícios de If Clauses
Confira abaixo para os exercícios de if clauses. Se ao final você tiver alguma dúvida, deixe o seu comentário. A gente faz questão de responder todos os nossos leitores.
- I don’t know how to swim. If I knew how to swim, I would go to the beach with you.
- I don’t understand that sentence. If I understood that sentence, I would explain it to you.
- I don’t have enough time. If I had enough time, I would go to the park.
- It’s cold today. If it weren’t cold today, I would go swimming.
- I have to go to class today. If I didn’t have to go to class today, I would go shopping, or would visit my friends.
- It isn’t Saturday. If it were Saturday, I would go to the beach.
- I’m not rich. If I were rich, I would live on a farm and would raise horses.
- I don’t have enough money. If I had enough money, I would fly home this weekend.
- Jack doesn’t study hard. If he studied harder, he would get better grades.
- The weather isn’t nice. I would take a walk if the weather were nice.
- My wife and I want to buy a house, but houses are too expensive. We would buy a house if we had enough money for the downpayment.
- Money doesn’t grow on trees. If money grew on trees, all of us be very rich.
- People have different opinions. Life would be boring if eveyone had the same opinions about everything.
- Tell Jim the truth. If I were you, I would tell him the truth.
- Airplane tickets are expensive. If they were cheap, I would fly to Paris for the weekend.
- I wish I had a camera. I would take a picture of the sunset tonight if I had a camera.
- The student cafeteria is relatively inexpensive, but the food isn’t very good. I would eat there all the time if the food were better.
- Sometimes our teacher give us surprise quizzes. If I taught this English class, I would’t give surprise quizzes.
- I wish I had a car. If I had a car, I would drive to school.
- I’m very tired tonight. If I weren’t tired, I would go to the movie with you.
Referência dos exercícios: Fundamentals Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer
Então é isso. Caso você queira esclarecer alguma dúvida sobre os exercícios de if clauses (condicionais), deixe a sua mensagem abaixo. A gente faz questão de responder todos os nossos leitores. Para ficar ainda mais ligado nas nossas aulas de inglês, conheça o nosso canal de inglês no Youtube. Como sempre dizemos por aqui: escolas de inglês e cursos de inglês são importantes, mas blogs de inglês também [clique aqui para conhecê-lo]. No Facebook sempre, sempre avisamos quando há novidades por aqui como textos, artigos, exercícios e vídeos. Ajuda a gente, é rapidinho! 😉
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