Textos em Inglês

Texto Em Inglês Sobre Direitos Humanos (Com Exercícios)

Texto Em Inglês Sobre Direitos Humanos Com Exercícios é o que veremos nesta dica de inglês. Se esse é o seu primeiro acesso a esta página, seja muito bem-vindo (a).  Aqui, oferecemos uma enorme gama de atividades, exercícios e textos para fins didáticos. Navegue utilizando o menu com as opções de assuntos para desvendar todo o nosso ferramental. As respostas para o texto sobre direitos humanos encontra-se ao final.

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Texto Em Inglês Sobre Direitos Humanos

Leia o texto abaixo, e, na sequência, responda às questões.

The United Nations defines human rights as rights we have simply because we exist as human beings. These rights include the right to life, the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to equality, the right to education etc. This type of rights has special features such as inalienability and indivisibility. The former means that no one can take them away (it’s a prohibition of transferring one’s rights to another person). The latter, however, means everyone has the full range of rights. Additionally, human rights are equal and non-discriminatory. In other words, all human beings are equally entitled to them without any type of discrimination.

According to a Annual report by The Human rights Commission of Pakistan , its country witnessed substantial human rights violations in 2020 – at least ten journalists on duty were murdered and several others threatened, kidnapped, tortured and arrested. Sexual harassment, unlawaful killings, beatings, abductions and arbitrary detentions  are human right violations that exemplify why it is important to study about them.


University of São Paulo’s researcher Carla Aparecida Ana Ventura studied the violations of the human rights of individuals with mental illness and their influence on Brazil’s mental health legislation and policies. The female author cites the most paradigmatic Brazilian case of human right violations known as the Damião’s Case.  Damião (full name Damião Ximenes Lopes) was placed at a psychiatric institution called Casa de Repouso Guararapes in the municipality of Sobral (state of Ceara). Nursing assistants were acussed of subjecting the patient to several spanking that caused his death. The doctor in charge did no physical examinations, prescribed him some medication and left him unattended. A few hours later he died. His family sought for justice and Brazil was condenmend by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for multiple right violations.

The 30-article Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was created because of the holocaust and the horros of World War II. It holds many countries accountable for ensuring that the rights of its citizens must be protected. Nevertheless, there’s much to be done until society understands the full importance of human rights.


QUESTION 1 – What are human rights?

a) Human rights violations.

b) Human beings are equally entitled to them without any type of discrimination.

c)  The basic things that are entitled to all human beings, simply because they are human.

d) Prohibition of transferring one’s rights to another person

QUESTION 2 – it is correct to state that:

a) Right to freedom of speech is an example of human right violation.

b) Human right violations take place only in Brazil and Pakistan.

c) Humans rights cannot be taken away except under certain circumstances. For instance, the right to liberty may be restricted only when a person is convicted of a crime by a court of law.

d) No examples of human right violations can be found in the text.

QUESTION 3 – With respect to Damiãos’ case, it is correct to state that:

a) Damião suffered cardiac arrest.

b) Damião was from Sobral.

c) Damião’s family filed a lawsuit against his country.

d) Damião was an only child.

QUESTION 4 – According to the text above, all statements are correct, except:

a) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) comprises 30 articles.

b) Human rights must be protected and their defenders deserve to be celebrated.

c) Human rights apply to everyone simply by virtue of their being human.

d) Kidnapping is a form of human right violation.

QUESTION 5 –  According to the text above, all statements are incorrect, except:

a) Damião did not suffer beatings.

b) Everyone has the full range of rights (eg. civil rights, political rights).

c) Damião’s cause of death is still unknown.

d)  No more than ten journalists on duty were murdered.

Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva é brasileiro e mudou-se para o Canadá com sua família ainda criança, retornando ao Brasil após cinco anos no exterior. Desde então, o inglês se tornou uma parte essencial de sua vida diária. Ele já ensinou em diversas escolas de idiomas e é atualmente English Language Educator, além de ser o fundador do Portal Inglês no Teclado, criado em 2009. Para acompanhar todas as novidades e conteúdos exclusivos, siga-nos no Instagram::www.instagram.com/inglesnoteclado.

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