CORONAVIRUS IN BRAZIL is one of the top-trending topics on the Globe since the first case was confirmed a couple of days ago. The supposed outbreak is all a fuss about nothing. I’m not playing down the serioussness of other’s ilness. On the contrary, this is meant to be a little heads up and at the same time a brief report about the implications of such happening in the South America country.
Headlines concerning an elderly man from the state of São Paulo who came down with coronavirus after a trip he took to Italy are currently eveywhere: outlets, news television channels, newspapers and so on. This man got double tested and results showed he is indeed infected with Covid-19. Nonethless, same exams had been performed before. A task-force mission conducted by Brazilian Army rescued dozens of Brazilians who had been in China praying for help over coronavirus outbreak. As the rescued ones returned to their homeland, they forcedly spent time in quarantine. Fortunately all of them tested negative and were freed to their homes.
A few other Brazilian passangers who had been travelling abroad also tested negative.
Brazil’s Minister of Health took part in a TV show last night and said civilians don’t have to panic in the wake of the virus arrival. Yet many have rushed to drugstores looking for face masks in hope of blocking any threat of contamination. The state of São Paulo, where the infected 60-year old man lives and is being kept home with medical care, is now experiecing a face mask crisis (pretty much sold-out) as local government is doing all it can to bring calmness and make natives aware there’s no need to behave as if they were in Independence Day movie.
Maybe authorities should get Will Smith here to send a special message to those who are “unreasonably freaking out”.
I guess most of our readers have learned that coronavirus is less harmfull than other diseases. The thing is because it is something new people tend to go bananas and act irresponsably by spreading fake news like a maniac. Earth to eveyone out there: this ain’t no Apocalypse.
Brazil’s Minister also briefed that due to the first case of coronavirus in Brazil, he expectes an avalanche of individuals heading to hospital because flu symtopms and conoravirus can look alike.
Anyway, Brazil is making good progress on develloping a vaccine along with other countries and well-known scientists. Hoppefully everyone will get the chance of immunization.
Please spread the word and let others know about the real conditions down here. Tourists are all welcome to our country (you don’t have to either call off or postpone a trip). Besides, bear in mind that Brazil Public Heath System is available for foreigners due to our Constitution. In other words, you receive treatment for any type or kind of disorder for free.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
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