Exercícios de JUST ALREADY EVER e YET (Respostas)

Exercícios de JUST ALREADY EVER e YET são imprescindíveis para quem almeja testar o seu conhecimento e domínio acerca do assunto. Aqui, no inglês no teclado, mantemos um banco de exercícios para estudantes de todos os níveis. Vale citar, ainda, que mantemos um canal no Youtube com diversas dicas para quem sonha em alcançar a tão desejada fluência em inglês. A propósito, antes de você se submeter ao exercícios abaixo, recomendamos que faça uma breve revisão sobre como usar e a diferença entre “just”, “already”, “ever” e “yet”. Logo, dá o play!

Considerando, então, que você, de fato, conferiu a revisão acima vamos ao exercícios. A respostas você encontra ao final. Só mais um detalhe, entretanto. Se você tiver a intenção de reproduzir qualquer elemento desta página, pedimos que cite a referência em seu material. Ou seja, mencione a fonte como: www.inglesnoteclado.com.br – combinado? Não é preciso entrar em contato conosco para pedir autorização. Basta que proceda conforme explicamos. É muito importante que mais pessoas conheçam o nosso trabalho. A propósito, como dito, as respostas / gabarito para as questões você encontra ao final. Good luck!

QUESTÃO 1 – Which word is used to indicate an action or event that has occurred at a very recent or specific time?

a) Just


b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 2 – Which word is commonly used to emphasize that something has happened earlier than expected?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 3 – Which word is often used in questions to ask about any time in someone’s life?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 4 – Which word is used to express the idea that something is expected to happen or not happen up to the present time?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 5 – Which word is typically used to emphasize the completion of an action in a very recent time frame?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 6 – Which word is used to indicate an action that occurred before the present moment, possibly affecting the present?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 7 – Which word is frequently used in negative sentences or questions to inquire about someone’s lifetime experiences?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 8 – Which word is used to ask whether something expected has occurred up to the current time?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 9 – Which word is used to convey that something has occurred in the recent past and is still relevant now?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 10 – Which word is often used in affirmative sentences to indicate that something has been completed earlier than anticipated?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 11 – Which word is used to ask about the likelihood of an action occurring from now into the future?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 12 – Which word is used to express doubt or uncertainty about whether something has happened up to the present time?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 13 –  Which word is used when you want to emphasize that something has been done very recently or barely a moment ago?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 14 –  Which word is often used in questions or negative sentences to inquire about someone’s lifetime experiences?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 15 – Which word is used to ask whether something expected has occurred up to the current time in a question or negative sentence?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 16 – Which word is commonly used to indicate that something has happened earlier than expected and may impact the present?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 17 –  Which word is used when you want to emphasize that something has been recently completed and is still relevant now?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 18 – Which word is used to ask whether something expected has occurred up to the current time?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 19 – Which word is often used in questions or negative sentences to inquire about someone’s lifetime experiences?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

QUESTÃO 20 – Which word is used to indicate an action or event that has occurred at a very recent or specific time?

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet


a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

a) Just

b) Already

c) Ever

d) Yet

a) Just

b) Already

d) Yet

d) Yet

a) Just

c) Ever

d) Yet

b) Already

a) Just

d) Yet

c) Ever

a) Just

Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva é brasileiro e mudou-se para o Canadá com a sua família quando pirralho, retornando ao Brasil após 5 anos no exterior. Desde então, usa e abusa do Inglês no dia-a-dia, já lecionou em diversas escolas de Inglês, é English Language Educator e fundador do blog Inglês no Teclado - criado em 2009. Conheça e curta a nossa fanpage aqui: www.facebook.com.br/inglesnoteclado

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