Ex: He drove like a maniac to the hospital. Ex: Bob drives like a maniac. Ex: I was running around the dance floor like a maniac.
como dizer
Como Dizer Não Se Mova Em Inglês? (Não Se Mexe)
Ex: Keep still while I tie your shoe.
Ex: Like I said, the employees aren’t the problem. Ex: As I said before, I have no influence on what they do.
Ex: He had a fit of anger over the broken ice cream machine.
Ex: The murmurs stilled. Ex: The rain stopped just as the fireworks began.
Ex: The statistics do not paint an optimistic picture. Ex: These statistics draw a clear picture of how the population is aging
Ex: Maybe, one day, we’ll get the answers we seek.
Como Dizer Falar Merda Em Inglês? (besteira, bobagem)
Ex: There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and talk trash all day.
Como Dizer Jogar Fora Em Inglês? (Jogar no lixo)
Ex: She crumpled the letter and tossed it in the trash.
Como Dizer Ter Influência Em Inglês? (Pesar na decisão)
Ex: My father’s achievements really don’t have any bearing on what I do. Ex: His private life has no bearing on his competence as a manager. Ex: Exercise has a direct bearing …