Ex: In a matter of seconds, the building was in flames.
como dizer
Como Dizer É Uma Questão de Tempo Em Inglês?
Ex: It can only be a matter of time before someone is seriously injured.
Ex: An arrest warrant could be issued as soon as Monday. Ex: The Court issued an arrest warrant against you.
Ex: Bob was sentenced to life imprisonment. Ex: Bob is serving a life sentence for murder. Ex: The judge gave Bob a life sentence.
Como Dizer Correr Contra O Tempo Em Inglês? (corrida)
Ex: They’re in a race against time to raise funds. [eles estão correndo contra o tempo para levantar fundos] Ex: It’s a race against time for these children. [é uma corrida contra o tempo para as …
Como Dizer Cabeça Fechada Em Inglês? (mente fechada)
Ex: He is a narrow-minded person.
Como Dizer Cabeça Aberta Em Inglês? (mente aberta)
Ex: He is an open-minded person.
Como Dizer Tenho Muito Orgulho De Em Inglês? (deixar orgulhoso)
Ex: I’m so proud of you. Ex: You really did me proud by getting an A – this semester. Ex: I’m very proud to have been involved in this project.
Ex: I’ll see you around.
Ex: Sometimes our expectations sneak up on us unawares.