Home Textos em Inglês Texto Em Inglês Sobre Profissões

Texto Em Inglês Sobre Profissões

by Daniel Silva
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Aqui, no portal inglês no teclado, disponibilizamos vários textos em inglês sobre os mais variados temas. No texto de hoje vamos fala sobre a importância de se escolher uma profissão. Após checarmos o texto sobre profissões, faremos uma rápida bateria de questões / exercícios para fins de fixação e, sobretudo, analisarmos a compreensão dos leitores acerca do tema. Não é preciso entrar em contato conosco para pedir autorização de reprodução, desde que você cite a referência. Mencione a fonte: www.inlgesnoteclado.com.br. 

Só mais uma coisa! Também estamos no Youtube com várias aulas de inglês online para estudantes de todos os níveis. Como sempre dizemos por aqui, escolas de inglês são importantes e professores de inglês ainda mais. 

The Importance of Choosing a Profession

Selecting a profession is a crucial decision in our lives. It’s a choice that shapes our future and, ultimately, our happiness. It’s a choice we need to make wisely.

First and foremost, passion plays a significant role in choosing a profession. When we’re passionate about what we do, it hardly feels like work. Our enthusiasm drives us to excel and stay committed. Therefore, it’s essential to identify our interests and pursue a career that aligns with them.


Practicality is also vital. We must consider our skills and abilities. We should assess whether our chosen profession suits our strengths. This ensures we have a good chance of succeeding and being content in our work.

Moreover, job prospects and stability are important factors. We need to consider if our chosen profession offers long-term job opportunities. While passion is crucial, financial stability is equally essential.

In conclusion, choosing a profession is a decision that should balance passion, practicality, and stability. It’s an essential step toward a fulfilling and prosperous life. Our profession is not just a job; it’s a part of our identity and a source of satisfaction. Therefore, we should choose wisely and pursue a career that aligns with our passions and capabilities. In doing so, we can lead a successful and fulfilling life.

QUESTÃO 1 – What is the central theme of the essay?

a) The history of professions.

b) The significance of a profession in one’s life.

c) The benefits of frequent job changes.


QUESTÃO 2 – According to the essay, why is passion important in choosing a profession?

a) To impress others.

b) To make a lot of money.

c) Because it makes work more enjoyable.


QUESTÃO 3 – What does the text suggest about the relationship between skills and profession choice?

a) Skills are not important when choosing a profession.

b) Skills should be aligned with one’s chosen profession.

c) Skills are irrelevant in the job market.


QUESTÃO 4 –  In the sentence “It’s a choice that shapes our future and, ultimately, our happiness,” what is the function of the word “that”?

a) Pronoun.

b) Conjunction.

c) Preposition.


QUESTÃO 5 –  What verb tense is predominantly used in the essay?

a) Past continuous.

b) Future perfect.

c) Present simple.


QUESTÃO 6 –  In the sentence “We must consider our skills and abilities,” what is the subject of the verb “consider”?

a) “We”

b) “skills”

c) “abilities”


QUESTÃO 7 – What is the essay’s overall message regarding choosing a profession?

a) Choose a profession based solely on passion.

b) Consider skills and practicality when choosing a profession.

c) Money should be the primary factor in profession selection.



1-  b) The significance of a profession in one’s life.

2- c) Because it makes work more enjoyable.

3- b) Skills should be aligned with one’s chosen profession.

4- b) Conjunction.

5  – c) Present simple.

6 – a) “We”

7- b) Consider skills and practicality when choosing a profession.


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