Home Exercícios de Inglês e Atividades Exercícios com Say Tell Speak e Talk

Exercícios com Say Tell Speak e Talk

by Daniel Silva

Hi guys! Se vocês estão em busca de “Exercícios com Say Tell Speak e Talk”, saiba que estão no lugar certo. Abaixo, vocês encontrarão várias questões de múltipla escolha relacionadas ao uso correto das palavras say, tell, speak e talk. Leia, atentamente cada questão e escolha a opção correta.

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Complete a frase: “She always ___ the truth, no matter the situation.”

a) says
b) tells
c) speaks
d) talks

Qual das frases abaixo está correta?


a) He told about his plans to everyone.
b) She said me to call her tomorrow.
c) We talked about the project during the meeting.
d) I spoke her everything she needed to know.

Escolha a alternativa que completa a frase: “Can I ___ to you for a minute? It’s important.”

a) tell
b) say
c) speak
d) talk

Qual frase usa say corretamente?

a) He said to his teacher that he forgot his homework.
b) She said him about the problem.
c) They said me to arrive earlier.
d) He said that he was tired.

Complete a frase com a opção correta: “The manager ___ us to finish the report by Friday.”

a) said
b) told
c) talked
d) spoke

Qual das frases está incorreta?

a) Let’s talk about your progress in class.
b) She spoke with her lawyer yesterday.
c) Can you say me the answer to this question?
d) He told a funny joke during lunch.

Complete a frase: “During the meeting, the CEO ___ about the company’s goals for the next year.”

a) said
b) told
c) talked
d) spoke

Escolha a frase que usa speak corretamente:

a) We spoke about our vacation plans last night.
b) He speaks three languages fluently.
c) She said to me to arrive early.
d) They told me the news this morning.

Qual alternativa completa corretamente: “He ___ me he was late because of the traffic.”

a) said
b) told
c) talked
d) spoke

Complete com a palavra correta: “The teacher ___ to the students about the exam schedule.”

a) said
b) told
c) spoke
d) talked

Escolha a alternativa correta: “I need someone to ___ me what really happened.”

a) say
b) tell
c) speak
d) talk

Complete a frase: “After the meeting, we ___ for hours about our plans for the weekend.”

a) said
b) told
c) talked
d) spoke

Qual frase está correta?

a) She told me that she was moving abroad.
b) He said me that he finished the report.
c) We talked the project yesterday.
d) She speaks me about her career often.

Complete a frase: “My mom always ___ me to follow my dreams.”

a) says
b) tells
c) talks
d) speaks

Qual das opções preenche corretamente a frase: “Could you ___ a few words during the ceremony?”

a) talk
b) say
c) speak
d) tell

Gabarito sugerido:

b) tells

c) We talked about the project during the meeting.

d) talk

d) He said that he was tired.

b) told

c) Can you say me the answer to this question?

d) spoke

b) He speaks three languages fluently.

b) told

d) talked

b) tell

c) talked

a) She told me that she was moving abroad.

b) tells

b) say

Dica: Preste atenção ao contexto de cada frase! Cada verbo tem suas regras específicas de uso. Também sugerimos que seja exibido o vídeo em que tratamos sobre collocations. Caso você ainda não tenha visto, saiba que é o vídeo abaixo. Para mais dicas, acesse o portal Inglês no Teclado. 😊



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