Home Teclinhas - respostas rápidas em Inglês Exercícios de Simple Past Com Verbos

Exercícios de Simple Past Com Verbos

by Daniel Silva

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Preencha as lacunas com o verbo em parêntesis no passado. 

a) (have) He didn’t have lunch, but he __________ breakfast.

b) (buy ) I didn’t buy any shaving cream, but I _____ soe toothpaste.


c) (read) I didn’t read the book, but I _____the newspaper.

d) (drink) I didn’t drink water, but I _____milk.

e) (go) I didn’t go with Mary, but I _____ with Mary.

f) (see) I didn’t see Bob, but I _____ Daniel.

g) (bring) I didn’t brig a pencil, but I______ a pen

h) (meet) I didn’t meet your sister, but I _____ your brother.

i) (write) I didn’t write a poem, but I _____ a letter.

j) (hear) I didn’t hear you, but I _____ the teacher.

k) (come) I didn’t come at 7 o’clock, but I _____ at 8 o’clock.

l) (get up) I didn get up at 07 o’clock, but I _____ at 08 o’clock.

m) (tell) I didn’t tell your mother, but I _____ your father.

n) (take) I didn’t take your book, but I ____ her notebook.

o) (begin) I didn’t begin at 9 o’clock, but I ____ at 10 o’clock.

p) (bring) I didn’t bring cookies, but I _____ marshmallows.

q) (drive) I didn’t drive my car, but I _____ his car.

r) (wake up)  I didn’t wake up at 06 o’clock  but I _____ at 07 o’clock.

s) (go to bed) I didn’t go to bed 10 o’clock, but I ________ at 09 o’clock.

t) (eat) I didn’t eat an apple, but I _____ a pear.


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