Quantas expressões com GO em Inglês você conhece? Destacamos 7 expressões para você ficar por dentro e detonar por aí!
Confira abaixo as 7 expressões com GO indicadas pelo blog Inglês no Teclado para você ficar super ligado(a)!
Go with the flow
A expressão significa não ir contra os fatos da vida, ou seja, não entrar em conflito para impedir que as coisas ocorram naturalmente. Uma possível tradução é deixar a vida te levar.
Ex: You should relax and go with the flow.
Ex: Evertyhing goes better when you go with the flow instead of trying to force things to happen.
Go above and beyond
Fazer ou ao menos tentar fazer um melhor trabalho. Trabalhar mais do que o necessário. Fazer o possível e impossível.
Ex: If you need anything, please ask. We will go above and beyond!
Ex: He went above and beyond when he let me stay in his apartment for two weeks.
Go at someone / have a go at someone
Significa atacar alguém física ou verbalmente.
Ex: The kids were going at each other like mad dogs.
Ex: the two candidates went at each other during the deabte.
Ex: I don’t know why she’s having a go at me. I didn’t do anything wrong.
Ex: You should walk away before he has a go at you. Everyone knows how aggressive he can be.
Go bad
Significa perder a qualidade, estragar, apodrecer.
Ex: The chicken smelled like it was going bad, so I threw it out.
Ex: We have to eat those bananas before they go bad.
Go for it
Significa render-se, entregar-se de corpo e alma, dedicar-se inteiramente a um objetivo, fazer o seu melhor.
Ex: If you want to achieve success, you have to go for it.
It goes without saying
Com o sentido de é desnecessário dizer.
Ex: It goes without saying that I’m delighted about the new baby.
Ex: It goes without saying that she will improve her skills with practice.
Go off on a tangent
Com o sentido de mudar de assunto, mudar a conversa.
Ex: She was giving a speech about politics, but kept going off on tangents and telling stories about culinary.
Ex: Just as we started talking, Jack went off on a tangent about the high cost of living.